MOAB: USA Super Bowl of BASE
IMHO, There are 2 spots in the world which could carry the title of Super Bowl of BASE Jumping. In the USA, it's Moab, Utah; and outside of the USA, it would be Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland.

What are the qualifications?
Above all else #1 Access. Legal, Easy, Daytime Access.
Take the exit point above - Tombstone - 10 minutes from town, park in the LZ, hike up 30 minutes, then jump. Before the days of GoPros, you needed to bring someone to take pics and video. Bonus here - nice sight lines and a comfy spot for the photographer to sit. We shot that location for a Merrell footwear print ad.

Qualifier #2: Number of Exit Points
Canyon after Canyon lined with 300-500 ft Cliffs with relatively easy access creates a virtual unlimited number of exit points. For the brave or stupid, Some exits are lower than 200 ft. Exits below: Wall Street, Wile E Coyote, Mineral Canyon

Qualifier #3 Environment
Environment, View, Surrealness, Visual Appeal, etc... many terms fit the bill. BASE jumping in itself is an out of this world activity. Often times, getting to the exit point is a majority of the adventure. Moab is the classic Southwestern beauty with its stark landscape, epic colors, and desert vibe. The POV and groundrush you get when jumping into a narrow box canyon goes beyond what words can describe. Same goes with the EPIC Vistas and colors you find at sunset. Wrapping this post up, enjoy the shots!